The four individual challenges recognize the diverse landscapes and rewards associated with small game hunting throughout Arizona. Jackrabbits are often overlooked and not only provide excellent sport but good eating. Big Game includes Bear, Bighorn Sheep, Deer, Elk, Mountain Lion, Pronghorn Antelope, & Turkey. Once a bird is knocked down, stay at the ready for a second or two to make sure the quail is not crippled and runs off. Arizona gray squirrels are a bit harder to come by and can make for a challenging hunt. Their numbers should be increasing. It took hunters a couple of weeks to really zero-in on grouse last season on the Kaibab Plateau. Watch tree lines, washes, canals, field corners, or other structural features that birds may follow. Then work the area for singles. Birds can often be spotted by the hunter prior to entering an area by glassing the water’s edge with binoculars. If you prefer to jump shoot ducks, snipe are common visitors to stock tanks. From small game bird like pheasant, quail, dove, and merriam turkey, to big game like mule deer, whitetail deer, buffalo, javelina, mountain lion, black bear, antelope, elk, and desert bighorn sheep. Harvest five of the seven small game species in Arizona while in season according to the AZGFD Hunting Regulations. Start your quail hunt early in the morning when it’s cooler and birds are more vocal and active. A valid tag or stamp is required for the taking of big game animals and migratory game birds. In sparsely vegetated areas quail tend to run and flush at excessive distances. Jackrabbits Cast over dead birds and reel them in. Extremely wet winter conditions around the Grand Canyon and ever-expanding cheatgrass on the Arizona Strip continue to benefit chukars. Quail hunters are likely to encounter cottontails most anytime but especially along desert washes and thickets. So, as quail numbers increase, so do cottontail numbers. Price New from Used from Paperback "Please retry" $24.95 — $19.00: Mass Market Paperback "Please retry" … Ideally rains should start in June or early July for good nesting conditions. Both the Arizona gray and Mexican fox squirrel populations should also be improving due to the recent wet winter conditions. Hunting in Arizona. Unburned habitat on the Kaibab Plateau is flush with tall grass cover for dusky grouse. There is also a state-wide lottery, which determines the lucky individual who can own an Arizona hunting permit. Walk thick cover such as tumbleweeds, before you finish your morning hunt. There should be plenty of young birds this season so running birds will likely not be a problem this season. A well-trained dog that likes to chase squirrels makes the job easier. If they are using the tank, they will generally show up before 9 am. Check agricultural areas for cut grain fields or fields that may be cut in the near future and feed lots. Cold weather in the north is what drives migrating waterfowl south into Arizona, typically around Thanksgiving. The meat is still safe for human consumption. How late these birds stay around in the fall is largely dependent on how good the acorn crop is. Ducks have excellent eyesight and color vision, keep this in mind when hunting them, camouflage is recommended. Doves tend to concentrate in areas for feeding such as feed lots, desert weed fields, vacant fields, and agricultural areas and thickets, orchards, or groves of trees for roosting. This way unsightly messes and trash will not left on landowner’s property and help insure your privilege of hunting on private lands. Be and sure to ask landowners before hunting on private land and to pick up all spent shells and shell boxes. This vegetation provides hiding places for scattered birds. Gambel and Scaled quail are remarkably tough and can take a lot of punishment. Know that the virus can be spread through contact with infected rabbits, their meat, fur, or materials having contact with those items, so scavengers and even insects may spread RHDV2 via contact with infectious material. Some of the state's top game include: Elk and Antelope. Resist the temptation to shoot at additional birds once a bird has been downed. There are limited places in the state where you can hunt, so it is important to know where you must go. Gambel’s and scaled quail like to run and if the cover is not heavy enough will literally out run hunters and dogs alike. The Department would like to better survey dusky grouse hunter participation and success. But taking the long view on this one (and the older seasoned quail hunters will agree), this season will actually be what an average year used to look like in Arizona. Once a covey is located be ready for some very challenging shooting. PHOENIX – This is the time of year Arizona’s small game and waterfowl hunters have been waiting for. One or more of these species occur in virtually all vegetation types throughout Arizona, from the highest mountains to the lowest plains; forests, wetlands, and deserts; and farmlands, cities, and wilderness. On birds that want to run ahead of you, put pressure on them by unloading your firearm and trotting after the birds until you have flushed the covey enough times for the birds to be sufficiently scattered to hold. We have enjoyed two consecutive winters with above-average precipitation. Avoid hunting areas with little ground cover; it will only lead to frustration. Our Hunting Area is #1 & #27. These birds are known for their habit of holding very tightly, often flushing literally underfoot. SPEND TIME SCOUTING; a few reconnaissance trips can pay off in great hunting. All game meat should be thoroughly cooked to an internal temperature of 165 degrees. Gambel’s Ducks tend to congregate in backwaters, slow runs on rivers, and sheltered areas on lakes such as coves and the mouths of rivers and creeks. Another above-average wet winter pushed much of the dove-breeding activity into the prime season in the desert, producing an abundance of doves across the state. If you find after harvesting a cottontail or jackrabbit that the animal appears to have a bloody nose or lungs/heart that look full of blood (without shot wounds), the animal may have RHDV2. Hunting Small Game in Arizona Paperback – May 1, 1993 by Guy Sagi (Author) 5.0 out of 5 stars 1 rating. Airgun hunting by state: Simply click on the state, and it will list all the species that are allowed to be hunted in that state. At this time free water at northern latitudes typically becomes scarce forcing birds southward to seek feeding and resting areas. Taking everything into account, this will be a great season compared to what we have experienced in the last 15 or more years. With some scouting you will discover that though there may be several likely spots that are used by ducks, there is one or a few spots that they prefer. These are numbers not seen since the 1990s. Because of this habit, it is almost impossible to hunt them without a dog. From guns and outdoor gear to photography and trail cams, we have the information you need. If the crop is poor, birds leave earlier. Small Game Species Arizona's small game species include cottontail rabbits, tree squirrels, upland game birds (quails, chukar, grouse, and pheasants), and migratory game birds (ducks, geese, swan, sandhill cranes, coot, gallinule, common snipe, mourning and white-winged doves, and band-tailed pigeon). Coveys are typically smaller than our other quail; 6-8 birds. Airguns are used extensively for hunting in many parts of the world, especially in regions where citizens are prohibited … Registration is limited to 100 participants/year, and each person successfully completing one of the four challenges this year will receive a plaque and an engraving plate that marks the achievement, with additional space on the plaque for each of the remaining challenges. If you do come across recently deceased rabbits in the field with no obvious signs of cause of death (e.g. Purchase a License. But in good years they can number more than 15. Take means pursuing, shooting, hunting, fishing, trapping, killing, capturing, snaring, or netting wildlife. 2020-21 Arizona Hunting Regulations This annual booklet includes season dates, bag limits, hunt types, open areas, rules, regulations, drawing application details, and other requirements for the hunting of most big game, small game and other wildlife in Arizona. Arizona has many surprises when it comes to hunting seasons. They usually come to water early in the morning (after feeding) so check stock tanks at higher elevations early. For those of you who are long-timers in Arizona, this is something we haven’t seen in a long time. Categories: Airguns of Arizona, bird hunting, bullpup, Daystate, Destinations, Hunting Accessories, Hunting Guns, Optics, shooting sticks, Small Game Hunting, turkey | 1 Comment. Read for a quick overview of many small game … Mornings after big winter storms and severe cold snaps are often an excellent time to check desert stock ponds for ducks. Search. Cottontail numbers and harvest generally follow Gambel’s quail numbers and harvest because both species rely on many of the same environmental conditions. The Department would like to better survey chukar hunter participation and success. This may be done by sending an email to or through regular mail to the Department’s main office: attention Terrestrial Branch-Small Game. It is not uncommon to walk into an area, stop for a few seconds, and have a bird flush right behind you after you resume walking. If you consider yourself a sportsman or outdoor enthusiast, Arizona Hunting Today is your place to discuss hunting (big and small game), archery, bird dogs and even fishing. These unpleasant looking grubs do not harm the meat of the rabbit and no rabbit should be discarded because of them. Often warm winters in the western states will “short-stop” much of the migrating waterfowl before they make it to the southern US. Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: or Search WorldCat. This can be a problem in years of poor production as the hunter is faced with pursuing older “educated” birds. If birds are holding tightly it is not unusual to cover the same ground many times and still flush birds. Habitats are similarly healthy for grouse on the San Francisco Peaks, and hunters searching areas above 8,500 feet in a mix of aspen and fir containing wild raspberry and vetch will have greater success in locating grouse. Be ready for this. Season dates, license info, bag limits and more. Minimize your frustration while hunting these birds by choosing areas that have good ground cover in the way of grasses and shrubs. Arizona's Official Fishing Guide: 181 Top Fishing Spots, Directions & Tips by Rory Aikens Paperback $20.44. Look for birds on ridgelines and near water. near a road and hit by a car or puncture marks from a hawk’s talons), contact the Department with location information. 22’s offer an excellent challenge and good practice for upcoming big game hunts. Buy your online license today. Arizona offers a variety of small game to hunt, of which can provide excitement for any hunter. Ducks will tend to move more in inclement weather so shooting often lasts longer on these days. Grouse are also being spotted here and there across the White Mountains in high-elevation wet areas not completely burned over, but concentrations of birds are still patchy. Attempt to read the cover and terrain to predict where birds may be hiding. Try using a 22 for squirrels instead of a shotgun, it’s a lot more fun and you don’t have to worry about shot at dinnertime. Small Game includes Cottontail Rabbit, Tree Squirrel, Migrating Game Birds, & Quail. Mearn’s quail are a tropical species and rely on summer precipitation to for reproduction. This way you can make sure you’ve worked the covey thoroughly. This may be done by sending an email to or through regular mail to the Department’s main office: attention Terrestrial Branch-Small Game. Observations of dead animals suggest that RHDV2 affects jackrabbits more severely than cottontails and that females are more susceptible to the virus than males. Add an uphill incline and you have the makings of a cardiac arrest. Gambel Quail and Scaled Quail: Use 12-28ga shotgun with improved cylinder to modified chokes and shooting shotshells with #7 ½ -6 sized shot. For desert quail to hold (not flush at a distance too far for the hunter to shoot at them) there must be adequate ground cover for the birds to hide in (e.g. Hunters will likely find bandtails concentrated in areas with acorns or other mast or fruit crops such as pinyon or elderberries. On a typical duck hunt, shooting is usually over by 10 or 11 am. The AZFD (Arizona Game and Fish Department) designated regions for hunting. Waterfowl breeding populations at northern latitudes are still above their long-term numbers. The Arizona Game and Fish Department, in partnership with the Valley of the Sun Chapter of Quail Forever, presents the Arizona Small Game Challenge. Scaled and Gambel’s quail both can hold very tightly and this is where a dog can come in handy to locate these close holding birds. Wintering geese are under hunted in Arizona outside of the national wildlife refuges. Use 12-28ga shotguns with full to improved cylinder chokes shooting 7 ½ – 6 sized shot and scoped 22cal rifles. I booked a hunt through Pete Reyes on his property about 80 miles south of San Antonio, with the plan to hunt Javalina with my .308 centerfire and bring a selection of airguns for coyote, bobcat, raccoons, hogs and whatever small stuff came my way. The second year in a row of wet winters — and not all of it snow in the high country — means that acorns and pine cones should be abundant this fall and provide excellent resources for Abert’s squirrels. Arizona Small Game Challenge was developed to encourage hunters to learn more about these and additional small game opportunities as they explore some of the most scenic country in our state. Good winter precipitation also fell in scaled quail country, and we’ve received several good reports on the hatch this spring and summer. The chapter has generously offered to match hunter registration fees dollar for dollar to enhance and improve small game species and … Decoys will prove useful on central Arizona lakes, rivers, and ponds. If you don’t know your Username or If you do not wish to provide a username and password, General Hunting. Be ready to shoot before they disappear over the edge into steep canyon country. Gambel’s and scaled quail make a variety of sounds; learn to recognize these calls. Start your hunt early in the morning when squirrels are most active. The canyons under the Mogollon Rim are a good place to try for gray squirrels and you’ll probably pick some Abert’s there up too. It costs $37/year and is available only to Arizona … Flushed birds typically fly less than 50 yards and more typically 30 yards and often quickly place a tree of other obstacle between them and the shooter. Often the flushed bird will swing around presenting the hunter with a pass shot as it returns to the water. While walking in the field, stop frequently to listen for birds. A valid Arizona license is required for taking wildlife (including fish) in Arizona. Use a 12-28ga shotgun with improved cylinder to modified chokes shooting shotshells with 7 ½ – 6 sized shot. Region 1 is in Pine Top. Snipe flush similar to quail and usually make distinctive “scipe” call on take off. All of the long-term quail survey routes in southern Arizona reported at being 1.5 to 2 times the recent 10-year average. Waiting can be as important as walking in areas where there is good cover and where you know there are birds. Young birds hold better so it is worth the effort to find those areas that experienced better hatches. Arizona has more different species of tree squirrels than any other state. Gray squirrels prefer riparian corridors of sycamore, walnut, and ash. Hunting Airguns There has been a sustained growth in the North American airgun market over the last several years, which can be attributed to the growing popularity of airguns for small game hunting and pest control. I was back out in Central Texas on a hog hunt last week, and had four days, so also planned to get in some small game and predator hunting. Remember to hunt the late season, when there are still a lot of mourning doves and fewer hunters. This item: An Introduction to Hunting Arizona's Small Game Paperback $29.95. The same rig fitted with a diving plug will retrieve decoys in deep water by snagging the anchor line. Allows the taking of small game, fur-bearing animals, predatory animals, nongame animals, and upland game birds. They tend to travel along ridge lines, canyon edges, and often fly through saddles in mountain ranges. Groups of closely growing shrubs, shallow draws lined with dense vegetation, or low thickets, should be investigated. Processing utensils (knives, blades, scissors), boots, gloves, and outer clothing worn while hunting and processing rabbits should be cleaned and disinfected (using a 1:10 dilution of household bleach to water works well) before returning to the field. All of the breeding call count surveys this spring were up — way up. It is important to know and use your Username if you are an existing customer with the Department. They are fast and powerful flies that can be difficult to bring to hand. Knocked down birds seldom run far but are extremely difficult to locate in the tall grass. Also mark downed birds carefully and walk directly to the spot and retrieve the bird. Once birds are found, attempt to split the covey up and work cover for single birds, this is where you’re likely to get most of your birds. Try a special between seasons rabbit hunt using a 22. [Guy J Sagi] Home. Estimate the number of birds on a covey rise and keep count of the number of single birds that are flushed while working for singles. Have your decoys set and your blind built before legal shooting time comes. Hunting and fishing, which are regulated by the Arizona Game and Fish Department, are allowed on public and private lands with landowner consent. Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library. From guns and outdoor gear to photography and trail cams, we have the information you need. It is also very important to remain motionless while birds are working the decoys or coming in. So while states north of us (Utah, Nevada, etc.) The Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus Type 2 (RHDV2) kills rabbits quickly so the odds of shooting an infected animal are slim. But when they did locate them (a bit lower in elevation than expected), they found lots of broods and good brood sizes. The virus does not affect the quality of rabbit meat. Hunting small game in Arizona. Once the birds are scattered and holding a hunter will flush more birds if they walk in a zigzag fashion through the cover, occasionally pausing for a few seconds. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. Mid to late November is usually when waterfowl hunting in the desert areas really picks up. Flights of mourning and white-winged doves have been increasing recently. Every license purchased online from the Arizona Game and Fish Department contributes directly to our on-the-ground conservation efforts. From a population standpoint, we are out of a deficit for the first time since 2001-2002. AZGFD manages a variety of small game species, including five only found in the Southwest–Montezuma (Mearns’) quail, Gambel’s quail, scaled quail, Abert’s squirrel, and Kaibab squirrel. Weed crops, which are produced by summer rains, are also a favored food resource for doves. Warm winters with little snow often set the stage for good squirrel hunting the following season. Montezuma or Mearn’s Quail: Use a 12-410ga shotgun cylinder to modified chokes shooting shotshells with 7 ½ -9 sized shot. Arizona's small game species include cottontail rabbits, tree squirrels, upland game birds (quails, chukar, grouse, and pheasants), and migratory game birds (ducks, geese, swan, sandhill cranes, coot, gallinule, common snipe, mourning and white-winged doves, and band-tailed pigeon). If you consider yourself a sportsman or outdoor enthusiast, Arizona Hunting Today is your place to discuss hunting (big and small game), archery, bird dogs and even fishing. Walk ridge tops in the early mornings and late afternoon, using binoculars to search for rabbits in the washes below. Trapping with "TFH" Timberland Fur Harvesters. Once again a little scouting will be a big help in finding a productive shooting spot. Official 2020 Nevada Small Game Hunting rules & regulations. By now, you should know the State of Arizona provides more or less 10 big-game species and rich small-game selections, which includes waterfowl. These birds like to loaf in pine snags and can occasionally be found in these trees at mid-day along ridge tops. Chasing squirrels up trees at seven thousand feet elevation is more work than it sounds. However, weak monsoon patterns may reduce the number and size of scaled quail coveys such that their numbers will remain average in the southern reaches of their range and perhaps be less than average north of Interstate 10 if monsoonal patterns do not strengthen. We continue to see larger numbers of American wigeon pushing into the state. Categories: adjustable buttstock, Airguns of Arizona, camo clothing, cold weather hunting, compact guns, Small Game Hunting, Small game in winter, Squirrels, Winter hunts | Leave a comment Going for the Squirrel Grand Slam: Get that Black Squirrel First! Do your part to limit the spread of the virus by burying the entrails and the carcass deep enough to discourage scavengers after you take the meat, or take the entire animal home and properly dispose of the remains in garbage bags (check your local ordinances about disposal of game carcasses). We recommend wearing rubber or disposable latex gloves while handling and cleaning rabbits. The Apache or Chiricahua fox squirrel also uses riparian corridors and adjacent pine woodlands in the Chiricahua Mountains of the southeastern part of our state. Squirrel hunting should definitely be better this year. Harvest five of the seven small game species in Arizona while in season according to the AZGFD Hunting Regulations. It should be noted that regulations change from time to time and wise hunters will BE SURE TO CHECK CURRENT REGULATIONS FOR CHANGES FROM LAST YEAR AND SEASON DATES. White-winged doves continue to increase in Arizona, and without strong and windy storms before opening day, white-winged doves should stick around in high numbers for opening day. An Introduction to Hunting Arizona's Small Game by Randy Babb, An Introduction to Hunting Arizona's Small Game. If you have hunted through the area where the scattered birds settled and have only gotten up half the number of the birds that were counted on the covey rise, you know that there are still more birds in the area and can work the surrounding cover accordingly. Scaled Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has teamed up with the Valley of the Sun Quail Forever Chapter to host the Arizona small game challenge. The early part of the season offers the best opportunities for some of the early migrants like cinnamon and blue-wing teal. Do not eat, drink, smoke, or touch your face while handling animals, and be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap or disinfectant. Try hunting areas that see lower hunter visitation this year and you’ll likely see success. You may be surprised to hear that, though limited, there are hunting … The newer routes in the central and northwestern portions of the state reported their highest numbers yet, with most being twice as high as what has been recorded in the past five years. If you are looking to hunt common game like quail, deer and turkey, Arizona can provide prosperous hunting. Red squirrels are found in spruce/fir habitat and most easily found by listening for their “wurring” call. Snipe prefer marshy habitats along rivers, lakes, and flooded agriculture areas. Snipe are classified as an upland game bird and steel shot is not required for hunting them. If a hunter has a partner, develop a game plan and move through an area about 20 to 30 yards apart covering the area thoroughly. Shoot before they disappear over the edge into steep canyon country other form of take hunter to... 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