This may be a stupid question, but perhaps someone else might be wondering the same thing! for Father's Day this year? Namely, I use this same method for making our non-toxic kitchen cleanser! I would say for a daily dose for immune-boosting, aim for 2-4 tablespoons (either spread out across the day or all at once). Now, these masks are not that hard to make. For example, 100 grams of orange peel provides about 136 mg of vitamin C, while the fruit provides about 71 mg per 100 grams – that's nearly double! Thanks again for taking the time to comment:), Hello, Meital. Using the stem of your bottle stir the powder into the gel. These vary depending on the molecular weight, or “size” of the hyaluronic acid molecule — something I went into a lot of detail in my hyaluronic acid guide.. Thank you. Making a Basic Vitamin C Serum Collect your ingredients. Add the vitamin C powder and distilled water to a small, dark-colored glass bottle. Next, remove the peels from the fruit, making sure as much as the pith comes with the outer peel as possible. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Period. Finish with a Vitamin C or apple cider vinegar toner (optional). Make [...]. You can use it any way you like: in smoothies, in capsules, in a glass of water, sprinkled over oatmeal – eat it in whatever way you like. Vitamin C can also be used to re-grow tissue and repair the body’s cells, help with digestion and help to boost your immunity. Store your Vitamin C powder in an airtight container. I should remove my recommendation to use a dehydrator then, and suggest to dry the peels naturally – without exposing It to heat. Thank you for these delightful recipes–just the kind of thing I’ve been looking for! Dehydrator – place the lemon peel strips in a dehydrator at 100ºF for 6-9 hours. Have a lovely evening. Did you know you can make your own Vitamin C supplement at home – without GMO, additives, and fillers – while saving a lot of money in the process? I’m pinning and sharing. And by drying the peels out, you get the convenience of a powder that remains shelf stable for several months. Used a small toaster oven. The peels are done when they snap and break when bent. (Our body does not make Vitamin C which makes it an important nutrient to have on hand.). Some dehydrators provide a dark environment and an adjustable temperature, especially those that cater to the raw food community, which wants to make sure all food is processed below 112F so it retains all its vitamins and enzymes. That’s almost double! Dry them out. Have you loved what you see here? That’s why it’s a good idea to get a variety of vitamin C sources in your diet. Sign up for our weekly updates - plus, we dish about some things in the "Insider's Letter" that we just can't talk about here on the blog... Avoid the toxins of conventional food dyes by using natural food dyes you can easily [...], Essential oils are a huge gift for those of us who want to treat and [...], Corn dogs are typically junk food (even though they taste SO good!). Pinned & tweeted. You can use any citrus fruit for this application – oranges are certainly popular, but this will work with any citrus rinds. 🙂. This homemade vitamin C powder is a great way to add a burst of citrus to your morning smoothies! Store in an air-tight container in a cool, dark place for up to three months or in the freezer for up to six months. All you need is a few citrus fruits. Be sure to use only organic. Lemon Honey Face Mask: Lemon is a rich source of vitamin c and is used to lighten the skin tone. How to Use Essential Oils Safely (a free, 10-day class that includes TONS of essential oil freebies), The Ultimate Preservation Guide: How to Preserve {Pretty Much} Anything, Homemade Applesauce & Homemade Apple Butter (and why organic apples matter) - Nourishing Joy, 6 Natural Strategies To Fight Off Flu Season — Traditional Cooking School by GNOWFGLINS, How to Preserve {Pretty Much} Anything: Part 2 | Keeper of the Home. Years ago, I posted my recipe for Homemade Chewable Gummy Vitamins, which I later updated to include homemade Vitamin C gummies for when you're really wanting to boost your immune system. Wash the fruit (I use about 5 lemons for 2 weeks supply) and peel off the skin. Because … I looks great and easy, so how to take it ? The same can be true with naturally bio-available Vitamin C, but it absorbs much more before it reaches its level of saturation. To make your own Vitamin C powder you can just do the following: Leave your organic orange peels out to dry with the pith intact as this holds a lot of Vitamin C, too. and how much ? The best way to use this DIY vitamin C serum for the face is just before bed. Grapefruit is a close second for me. I typically take a tablespoon or three sprinkled over yogurt or in a smoothie. Using this method you can use the powder for about a week, stored in the refrigerator. What about you? When dry, remove from the oven and let cool. When the Vitamin C powder … The same can be true with naturally bio-available Vitamin C, but it absorbs much more before it reaches its level of saturation. Visiting from Healthy Happy Green & Natural blog hop. Do I just base it off of the amt. After cleansing your skin, apply a small amount of this homemade vitamin C skin serum at bed time (vitamin C increases your skin’s sensitivity to the sun, so use it at night). (Can I mention the money-saving potential here once more?). Note: Do not add it to hot drinks or foods, the heat will destroy the enzymes. Using this method, the powder can be used for about 3 months, stored in a cool and dry place, or 6 months in the freezer. If you’ve squeezed the organic orange (or grapefruit in our case) for juice, can you also dry and use the leftover pulp and … segment linings (???) Y’know, that’s a GREAT idea, if nothing else to avoid the additives that are usually put in capsules and pills. Currently, most vitamin C supplements you buy are made from genetically modified corn (yuck) and some filler chemicals that serve as binding and coating ingredients. Don’t forget to come join us again on Wednesday! You can use the dropper to put 2-3 drops into the palm of your hand, rub your hands together … Have a lovely day. Making Healthy Living Your New Way of Life. 2.) Wash your face with this homemade face wash, then use a my DIY rosewater toner. 3.) C vitamin is volatile, so when you dehydrate whatever fruit you will 100% lose it (A vitamin is partially lost too). Rest assured though, these pills do have a good amount of vitamin C as well as other important nutrients. I noticed on the Vitamin C smoothie recipe that you noted, “. Store your Vitamin C powder in small jars in the fridge. The shockingly simple homemade version is made from lemon peels and contains all the enzymes that allow the Vitamin C to be 100% assimilated in your body. (And that’s also why my favorite method is merely to leave them sitting out at room temperature.) $29.99. And you’ll get the best bioavailable Vitamin C – for you and your family – for a fraction of the cost. 4.) Thanks, Kresha. In this article, you will learn how to make your own homemade citrus powder by using orange peels. Lol. Our whole family would be consuming so we need ALOT! Required fields are marked *. The best method in using this powder is to mix a … So, here you go: homemade Vitamin C powder. 🙂. If, however, you dry your peels in the oven with the door cracked open, which is the quickest method to dry peels, you won’t retain the same amount, although to answer your question, I don’t have actual numbers on how much is lost or denatured. Vitamin C is connected to a significant reduction in common cold occurrence and a considerable decrease of people who are affected by them. DIY … But we can also listen to your bodies. For children, perhaps 1-2 tablespoons. As for amount, again it’s pretty flexible, as it’s difficult to overdose unless you eat the equivalent of several dozen oranges (which would be several cups of powder). She and her husband share a passion for living life thoughtfully and intentionally in response to God's grace in their lives and she loves to share good meals (and good wine) around a very large table. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Pour in your sunflower oil or any carrier oil of your choice. You can make a hyaluronic acid serum at home by combining hyaluronic acid powder plus other ingredients including vitamin C, rose water or ceramides. the same way you do the peels? I’m currently taking 3,000mg of vitamin C in pill form a day but would rather use a more natural method to boost my immune system and to correct some issues that have appeared due to my lack of vitamins and over abundance of sugar and caffeine over the years. Combine the ingredients in a blender for about 1 minute. Once dissolved, stir in the aloe vera gel and vitamin E oil. Thank you for the recipe, but just one question. I don’t have nutritional info on those parts by themselves, but it would be a great way to boost what you’re getting from your fruit. The Solution: DIY Vitamin C Serum. It's Just - Vitamin C Powder, 100% Pure Ascorbic Acid, Food Grade, Immune Support, Homemade Cosmetics (11oz) Curious as to how many strips of fresh lemon or lime peel might be too much or would the body just take care of that? What I realized, however, is that I never posted my all-natural homemade Vitamin C powder to go with it! You can make these mask either with lemon juice and vitamin c powder. Pingback: Homemade Applesauce & Homemade Apple Butter (and why organic apples matter) - Nourishing Joy. 12 ounces fresh strawberries (preferably organic). You can dry them up and make them into a powder, you can make a juice out of them – whatever you want. Took 14 hrs at 150 degrees. Basically, you dry out a few citrus peels, pulverize them into a powder, then use that as a natural supplement, either by stirring it into water (not my favorite way) or adding it to other foods, like the aforementioned gummies, yogurt, a spoonful of raw honey (great for sore throat), etc. DIY Vitamin C Powder Materials: 4-8 oranges, washed an dried (the amount shown in the jar above is from 4 oranges) Blender, food processor, or coffee grinder; Optional: oven or dehydrator. The powder has to be processed properly in order to penetrate into the skin, so indigestible vitamin C powder (the kind you find in the vitamin aisle) isn’t ideal. It seems like way too much powder to consume. I usually count on one large navel orange (or any other kind with a thick rind) producing about 1/4 cup dried powder. I plan to make vitamin c powder for my cousin who has cancer. This site relies on YOUR trust, so if we don't stand behind a product 110%, it's not mentioned. By ingesting the peels – pith and all – you take in much more bioavailable Vitamin C than you would by eating the fruit or taking a synthetic supplement. You can find everything that you will need … It is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and chlorophyll. Obviously, in an oven, you can’t control temperature nearly so much, so there will be more loss, but just treat your fruit like you’re trying to keep it alive. Whole Food Vitamin C Pills But you’re right, I’m not sure either how to best calculate the values: the number I quote above from the USDA is for raw orange peel according to weight, but once the peel is dried, it weighs less, so perhaps weigh the raw peels before you start, weigh them again after they’re dry, determine the ratio between the two, then apply that ratio to the USDA measurements to determine an approximate amount per capsule? Vitamin C content varies with the plant, the location where it grew, the way it was dried, the date it was dried and on and on. (This may take a while, but keep at it!) Juice – we have tried pomegranate juice, orange juice and NingXia Red which wolfberry (goji berry) juice made by Young Living. Voila, you’ve just made your own natural, organic Vitamin C supplement at home! • 1 tsp vitamin C powder • 1 tsp distilled or purified water • 1.5 tbsp aloe vera gel • 5 drops frankincense essential oil Directions: • Use a whisk to blend the vitamin C powder and the water in a bowl • Mix the aloe vera gel into the substance • Add the frankincense and mix again • … I already had some dried orange slices that I dehydrated in my Excalibur Food Dehydrator earlier this year. There may also be radon and other types of radioactive isotopes depending on if they used gases to artificially ripen the oranges. It is so valulable to learn how to make our own Vitamin C supplement from natural, organic lemons instead of buying many of the questionable, processed Vitamin C supplements.Thank you so much for sharing “How to Make Your Own Vitamin C Supplement” at the Healthy Happy Green and Natural Party Blog Hop. As for the alfalfa and spinach powder, you can make them by trying them in a food dehydrator and grinding them. The Excalibur models are an example of this. In these cases, you can safely double your daily dose. Great article! In short, hyaluronic acid between 50 – 1,000 kDa is best for the skin, with ~130 kDa being the sweet spot according to human studies. That's because your body can't absorb it all, so it flushes it out of the system. Replace the top and shake until fully combined. Thanks for this great post. Store your Vitamin C powder in an airtight container. With [...], Everyone can - and should! Thanks again! Nutribiotic Ascorbic Acid Powder. Thanks for sharing on the Homestead Blog Hop! The nice thing about this homemade vitamin C powder is that it’s made from real food, meaning that although it doesn’t boast 2,000% of your RDI of vitamin C (like some synthetic powders), you’re actually going to get more bioavailable vitamin C than if you take a … I know that vitamin C is very sensitive to heat and to light, do you know how much vitamin C actually survives the dehydrating process? Thought about dipping the fresh strips in a dark chocolate dip for a yummy snack. Great info! While vitamin C serum has known skin care benefits, this powerful antioxidant is prone to oxidation; it breaks down when exposed to air, light or heat. The Nutribiotic Ascorbic Acid Powder is a pharmaceutical grade … Yet taking homemade Vitamin C powder as a supplement is a far more important use for ground up citrus peels than cleaning the kitchen sink, so go figure….. Good thing citrus fruits are multi-functional. This homemade supplement can obviously be used to help treat the flu at home, the common cold, and just about anything else that involves your immune system. ), Eco-Friendly Packaging, L-Ascorbic Acid, Antioxidant, Boost Immune System, DIY Skin Care Visit the Pure Organic Ingredients Store 4.7 out of 5 stars 1,219 ratings Sometimes it takes a few minutes longer for the Vitamin C powder to dissolve into the gel vs. in plain water, because the gel is a little thicker. But again, you’ll have to take fairly copious amounts over an extended period of time to do harm, so don’t sweat it too much. So I threw a few slices in my food processor and blended them up until they were broken up into tiny bits. Cap the bottle and SHAKE vigorously to dissolve the powder. If you think getting the carrier right is tricky, wait till you hear this. Can you buy the alfalfa and spinach powder or can you make that too. Then don't miss any of our natural living freebies and resources! Pingback: 6 Natural Strategies To Fight Off Flu Season — Traditional Cooking School by GNOWFGLINS, Pingback: How to Preserve {Pretty Much} Anything: Part 2 - Keeper of the Home. To make your own hyaluronic acid serum, you will need to purchase some high quality Hyaluronic Acid Powder, like this one from Amazon. Repeat as needed for clear skin. Allow the face to dry, then make sure to gently shake the serum bottle just before use and apply a … Hope I’m not too weird!! I am concerned about not just the destruction of the enzymes but also the destruction of the vitamin C. I know this happens for sure as a friend once spent three years doing his doctoral research on the thermal degradation of vitamin C. I digress… Do you know if the citrus peel powder can substitute for ascorbic acid used to dechlorinate tap water? Thanks for the tip! I mean, I mention using Vitamin C powder in that recipe, but who wants synthetic Vitamin C mixed with sweetener when you can easily make your own natural version? Pingback: Fruity Tuesday – 10 Uses for Citrus this Winter | Veggie-Go's. I’m thinking of encapsulating this, as my dear family is used to taking daily Vitamin C capsules. And the thing is – citrus fruits are known for being a great source of natural Vitamin C, but the peels are where the nutrients are concentrated. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Either way, encapsulating the powder sounds like a great way to have a natural, convenient Vitamin C on hand. An even more fresh and potent way to benefit from the enzymes in the peel in addition to the Vitamin C is to add thinly sliced strips of peel to your smoothies or other purees – what a great way to boost immunity! Whisk the ingredients until the vitamin C powder is completely dissolved. i put my vit c powder in a 00 size gelatin capsule .How do I determine potency of a capsule? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. It's…, Is it possible to get rid of the flu virus in about 24 hours? Dissolve vitamin C powder using distilled water. Would they be in place of the strawberries? I have discovered eating the peel of a lemon or lime is not bad at all. This will store for up to 2 weeks or longer in the fridge. Add the powder to water-based products like serums, essences, and lotions. So make them [...], Making healthy homemade lunchables is super-simple and keeps lunch packing from being a chore. And here's the thing: We only mention services and products that we think are truly worth your attention, whether they're free, paid, or otherwise. Her blogs are the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and experience and all the posts are verified by scientific findings. Can we freeze the peels to make a bulk batch when ready by dehydrating? When ground up in powder form how much do you typically take? Homemade vitamin C powder, tablets, or drinks are better than any store-bought supplement, they are cheaper to make and you can even make candy that your kids will love. Cut the peels into small squares, or leave them as strips. Organic fruit is a MUST in this application, since insecticide and pesticide residues may reside deep inside the peels due to multiple applications throughout the growing season, thus it's not always possible to wash those residues off. If only using water and Vitamin C, you are done. It's not difficult AT ALL – you just have to be willing to take the few minutes to cut up the peels and keep an eye on them while they dry.). Note: If you use the Vitamin C powder instead of the lemon juice, this mask will have a shelf life of several months at least. All you’ll need is a few organic lemons (or any other citrus fruits). So, I don’t have a great answer for you, but just know that you can affect that outcome directly according to how you choose to dry them. I’m excited–another great use for orange peels! Tell me about it in the comments below…, I never understood the fuss about sinus infections until I've experienced it first hand. Jen. Make sure to mix the ingredients together until the powder is completely dissolved, to avoid a grainy mixture. Then grind it into a powder and put it in an airtight container. - grow at least a bit of their food, so [...], Good teachers are worth their weight in gold. In…, Filed Under: Natural Home Remedies Tagged With: vitamins and minerals. That’s exactly why I call for dehydrating it at 100°F – below 112°F, which is the temperature at which all those precious volatile vitamins and enzymes will begin to breakdown. Still can I use lemons ? When using the Vitamin C powder, I mix a triple batch and store in a small jar in the bathroom for use every few days. You can take more than a teaspoon, you can take 2 if you’d like. And by drying the peels out, you get the convenience of a powder that remains shelf stable for several months. Teresa. If you want to take this a step further, here’s an awesome recipe for homemade chewable Vitamins that your kids will love – from Wellness Mama. Your email address will not be published. We just started our first batch of c powder air dryed inside and out on sunny days . Here’s my combination of some of the most nutritionally dense foods on the planet: –  1 part lemon peel powder – Vitamin C anyone? Spinach is also a good source of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin K and is famous for its “blood building” ability. Third, dry the peels (see options below). 🙂. A physician should always be consulted for any health problem. Today I show you a super easy way to make your own vitamin C powder. You can choose either of the below. Ingredients in Homemade Vitamin Gummies. This drink contains 4 of the fruits with the highest levels of Vitamin C. You can freeze it in ice-cube trays for up to 4 weeks. Heavens knows that so much of our food or supplements is filled with GMO and many toxic additives. Click here to read my affiliate policy. Measure out 1/16 teaspoon of Vitamin C and set it down in the measuring spoon. Sign up for our weekly updates. Wrong Ph = Irritated Skin. And, not be harmful to houseplants? Mix the ingredients and add 1 teaspoon to your juice, smoothie, or salad – it tastes great! I believe if we can make something from scratch it is always better. Topical vitamin C smooths the skin and helps prevent skin damage. not sure what to call it???) Patricia K. Farris, M.D., conducted a study at Tulane University School of Medicine that concluded topical vitamin C was effective at "promoting collagen synthesis, photoprotection from ultraviolet A and B, and lightening hyperpigmentation." I am so delighted that you are partying with us! This post may contain affiliate links, including those from, which means we earn a small commission off your purchases. Thicker skinned oranges take a little longer, our next venture is tangerine peels there thinner and its about 4 days to dry them out on a wire cooling rack 🙂, Pingback: How to Preserve {Pretty Much} Anything: Part 2 | Keeper of the Home. I love your method. Kresha, this seems most wonderful. I was looking for this recipe it says i can use any citrus but i always seen it made by oranges. When it’s ready, your kids will love munching on these sweet lemon peels, loaded with immune-boosting goodies. Dissolve the Vitamin C powder in the water. Hyaluronic Acid; There are many different “types” of hyaluronic acid. When the peels are fully dry, place them in a spice grinder or blender and pulverize them into a fine powder. Using this method you can use the powder for about a week, stored in the refrigerator. Thanks for caring. Well, that depends on your dehydrator and your temperature. Once they’re dry, use a coffee grinder or a similar device, and turn your peels into a powder. Learn how your comment data is processed. Kresha is the mother of four young children, the wife of one handsome organic farmer, an opera singer, a cloth diapering instructor, and an avid researcher. And of course, the usual caveat is: this is assuming you’re a fairly healthy individual. Just one rounded teaspoon of your homemade vitamin c, mixed in your smoothie, juice, or on top of your salad – Is more than your required vitamin C dose for the day, regardless of your size. Pesticides settle on the outside of produce, and a simple scrub under water most likely won’t remove enough of the toxins to make this powder worthwhile. Your body will tell you when it’s too much, don’t worry. Thanks for bringing my attention to this error, I fixed it. Instructions In a small bowl, combine the vitamin C powder and filtered water. Homemade Vitamin C powder made from 100% oranges. The information in is not intended as a substitute for professional medical help or advice but is to be used only as an aid in understanding common health problems. Mix a ½ teaspoon of vitamin C powder with 1 tablespoon (14.8 ml) of distilled water in a small container. Stir well before pouring and serve cold. To air-dry the peels, tear them into dime-sized pieces and let them sit for 3-4 days out on the counter. This is why you’ll want your Vitamin C set … Thanks again! 🙂. I know I won’t have the “official amount” to go by, but SURELY the homemade from real citrus peel variety is better than the capsules we are currently taking. Have you ever tried making your own vitamin supplement at home? ), Eco-Friendly Packaging, L-Ascorbic Acid, Antioxidant, Boost Immune System, DIY Skin Care 4.7 out of 5 stars 152. To dehydrate the peels in the oven, place them on a baking sheet and set in a slightly warm oven set on the absolutely lowest temperature it has. of powder a capsule can hold? First, select organic fruit that is free of bruises and blemishes, then wash the fruit VERY thoroughly to remove agricultural residues, insect eggs, and other possible contaminants – yes, even from organic farms. Enjoy! I’ve tried the orange peel but I might not be taking enough. So why not thank them in ways [...], A father reflects on raising children who are connected to family and community and who [...], If your children are already overrun with toys - or you're just wanting the best [...], Homemade potting soil is a breeze to make and will give your plants a great [...], Knowing your home is truly clean is deep-down satisfying, so here's a handful of my [...], This homemade dusting spray is thick like a commercial spray, smells lovely from your favorite [...], Want a heart-felt gift (or a last minute one!) is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for website owners to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,,,, and any other website that may be affiliated with Amazon Service LLC Associates Program. Add your dried orange peels into your blender, food processor or grinder and grind them up into a fine powder. So, how to make an all-natural Vitamin C powder? Here is the recipe I love! If you love DIY health care as I do, you’ll love learning this simple way to make your own 100% natural multivitamin supplement at home. How to Heal a Sinus Infection in 2 Days (Best Home Remedies), How I Get Rid of the Flu in 24 Hours (Without Medication), How I Use Jamaican Black Castor Oil to Regrow My Hair, How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Stop Gallbladder Pain (in 15 Minutes), 4 Reasons I Use Aloe Vera on My Face Overnight (and Why it’s Safe), 4 Ways to Increase Collagen Production In Your Skin (Naturally), The Proven Way to Use Aloe Vera for Wrinkles (and Sagging). Used lemon skins by the way. Add the Vitamin C powder. Note: it is important that the fruit is organic as you don’t want to be eating peels sprayed with nasty chemicals. Your email address will not be published. (In fact, it’s so easy a 5-year-old can make it… ). Getting your daily dose of Vitamin C is amazingly simple – no need for expensive, store-bought additive-filled supplements. And what's especially odd about the fact that I haven't posted this recipe per se, is that I have posted it in a completely different form. 🙂. Should I just throw the skins away, since I used a higher temperature? Any ideas, help, input about this? Removed it between time start and finish to use oven to heat other food. I’m sorry, but this will not work. I think that peels from 2 lemons a day sounds reasonable. All these issues can be solved by using a DIY vitamin C serum that you remake every week or so. It also contains its natural source of rutin, hesperidin, and bioflavonoids. –  1 part Alfalfa Grass Powder – alfalfa is known as nature’s multivitamin, and for good reasons. You will find instructions on the container to make the serum, but I like to add some essential oils to mine as well. To dehydrate the peels in a food dehydrator, slice the peels into thin strips, then place them in a dehydrator at 100ºF for 6-9 hours (time will vary widely depending on the thickness of the peel and the size of the pieces). Types of radioactive isotopes depending on if they used gases to artificially ripen the oranges teaspoon ok for just orange! Reaches its level of saturation for several months “ blood building ” ability longer. The oranges, dry the peels, tear them into dime-sized pieces and let them sit for 3-4 days on! Processor or grinder and grind them up and make them by trying them in dehydrator... Affiliate links, including those from, which means we earn a small dark-colored... On hand. ) warning: Pesticides concentrate on the oils on the Vitamin C which makes it important! But i might not be washed off made by Young Living below ) and of course the! And peel off the skin, remove the peels are fully dry, remove the peels are fully dry place... 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