They also help women connect with their “inner goddesses” and men with their feminine attributes. "- excerpted from Proverbs, chapter 4, verse 7, The Bible (American Standard Version)As will be expanded on in more detail elsewhere, it should be little or no surprise that the Bible (if and when the inner meaning of its contents is truly revealed) is one of the most excellent collections of wisdom and knowledge ever compiled. Synonym Discussion of faith. Another vital point is to note that the last part of Dr. Murphy's statement ("... according to your belief, it is done unto you. He said it must be built upon the foundation typified by Peter (rock), who represents faith. This, in the Author's opinion, leads us to the issue that often confuses those who are generally unacquainted with the subject of the working of the Mind - namely, how can a person acquire and keep Faith?While there may indeed be numerous ways to answer that question, this Author shall offer the version stated hereunder, which was succinctly summed up by the phrase: "Faith comes by hearing,...", which is itself part of another quotation from the New Testament: "So faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. In passing, it is also noted that the terms "Faith" and "Belief" may be considered interchangeable, as, in a general sense, they both refer to a similar (if not the same) quality of feeling. He uttered a loud cry to His Father in heaven for the whole world to know, and for every evil force to have to flee, for Christ’s work on the cross was complete. Metaphysical definition, pertaining to or of the nature of metaphysics. Faith healing, recourse to divine power to cure mental or physical disabilities, either in conjunction with orthodox medical care or in place of it. Spiritual assurance; the power to do the seemingly impossible. The faith thinker does not compare, analyze, or draw conclusions from known premises. faith cure--Another name for spiritual healing. We must have faith in God as our Father and source of all the good we desire. Copyright © It is a magnetic power that draws unto us our heart's desire from the invisible spiritual substance. A set of religious doctrines; a body of dogma: adhered to the Muslim faith. Joseph Murphy, recognized during his earthly life as a 20th-Century authority on the workings of the Mind, is generally credited with expressing that point in this manner: "Thought fused with Feeling, becomes a Subjective Faith, or Belief. If the Faith is absent, the thing does not exist, and cannot come into being without it.A little investigation will reveal that, even amongst the most ancient collections of knowledge that exist, which dealt with the subject of the Mind and its working, some (if not all) of the writers of those times, sooner or later came to the recognition and realization that, as stated before, Feelings or Emotions constituted the vital element that gave Thought or Mental Action its creative quality. Faith thinking is done only by one who has caught sight of the Truth of Being and who feeds his thinking faculty on images generated in the faith center. Sometimes the faith may reside in a Its significance can be fruitfully evaluated in connection with four concepts: blessing, miraculous power, separation, and the coming of the Holy Spirit. Briefly, the word: "hear", as used in the Bible, does not strictly refer to the operation of hearing with the ear, but it can also be shown to mean: "to understand". It understands the law of mind action; therefore, it has great strength. The following external link is provided for the purpose of supplementing the information provided in this page, as regards the subject of Faith. For the purpose of this discourse, the Author shall commence by stating perhaps the most basic description of what it is. Faith healing definition, healing effected through prayer or religious faith; divine healing. Metaphysical … Metaphysical. The Metaphysical Meaning of Diamond The Hindu tradition relates diamonds to the planet Venus, while some other ancient peoples believed that they are connected to the planet Mars. Or, as expressed by another writer, who is today generally recognized as one of of those noted authorities on the subject: "The reader can, if he so chooses, trace the actions of the laws of thought in his own mind and life, and until this is done, mere external facts cannot serve as a ground of reasoning. Hence, it is possible to establish the argument that, if something that is hoped for exists, then it exists because the Faith or Belief in the existence of that thing is present. The faithful often light candles when praying for hope to create change in situations that seem hopeless. The world is indeed a richly diverse place, and that is not better illustrated than by the variety of religions (or faith traditions) that exist around the globe. Define faith. If one might ask: why is that so, it is because (and the point will be expanded upon as we proceed further), Faith is the "vital element" which makes the power of thought a practical working asset, which Man may use in any area of his individual experience, instead of a mere paper theory.One person actually commented that many authorities throughout history have often urged those who would listen to "have faith" in some particular creed, dogma or concept, but it is debatable how many of those same authorities actually helped their listeners to understand what Faith is, let alone guided them as to how to establish it.A little investigation, which can be undertaken by virtually anyone, will reveal that this is no new revelation, but one that can be found - in one form, or another - in virtually every doctrine that has ever been recorded or expounded. "According to your faith be it done unto you" (Matt. Spiritual assurance; the power to do the seemingly impossible. unyielding forms of substance. If we are educated and molded after the average pattern of the human family, we may live a lifetime and never have an original thought. May the fiery energies of Spirit fill your entire consciousness. Therefore, there is only one responsible level of explanation at a given time, either the scientific one, for… faith, how cultivated--By studying the experiences of Peter (the apostle representing faith), we obtain suggestions on the development of this faculty. The prophet had foretold that the Messiah would come in this very way. How to use faith in a sentence. If I have faith that Barack Obama will make wise decisions as President, … "), which many might recognize from the New Testament (specifically, Chapter 9, verse 29, of the Gospel according to Matthew), is itself the concise statement of a universal principle, which may be generally defined as the Law Of Belief. faith, blind--An instinctive trust in a power higher than ourselves. However, He knew and said that other men could do what He did if they would only have faith. The Bible frequently invests this simple gesture with weighty symbolism. As many healers and shamans have reported, we can use pearls as we would crystals. faithless generation--A generation that lacks the spiritual faith and power to do the works Jesus would have it do, such as healing the sick and making the blind to see. Word of Faith (also known as Word-Faith or simply Faith) is a worldwide Christian movement which teaches that Christians can access the power of faith through speech. Chakras are internal vortexes of energy and are commonly described as having the colors of the rainbow. Therefore, it is possible to equate "to think in one's heart", with the phrase: "to believe".If it has not been considered previously, the visitor would do himself (or herself) well to grasp that Belief can actually work in both directions - either towards some outcome the person would deem desirable, or towards an undesirable outcome; of course, never in two opposing directions at the same time. Dr. Doreal advocates thinking for yourself and accepting full responsibility for your spiritual growth. Faith is a sacred, deep, emotionally involved kind of trust. Reason generally is understood as the principles for a methodological inquiry, whether intellectual, moral, aesthetic, or religious. One authority even went so far as to describe it as "a handbook of instruction for the use of our Creative Power of Thought", and, in all fairness, a similar description might also apply to the sacred texts of other religions, once their inner meaning is fully comprehended. To have faith in God is to have the faith of God. Have faith. Now this may not rub most doctrines the right way because via revelation in acts or persons, we do know God. A true comprehension of that which is called Faith is of the utmost importance, especially if or when one is considering the subject of the Mind and its working - whether the subject is approached from the philosophical, religious or even the scientific viewpoint. It was a declaration of His Messiahship. The development of the faith faculty is a key to spiritual realization. We are dedicating the next two months to the study of other faith traditions. The later is probably due to the warriors' custom of wearing diamond stones in battle for protection and strength. "- Romans, chapter 10, verse 17, the Bible (World English Version)That working of that phrase ("Faith comes by hearing,...") is actually something that each and every person can prove to be true is his or her own experience. Concentration of thought on this center opens the mind of man to spiritual faith. It is the very substance of that which is believed. This is because, as stated previously, the Creative Power of Thought is perpetually in operation, in accordance with the conditions that a person provides, which in turn determines the extent of the operation of the creative power - and the conditions referred to are the person's combined mental and emotional state, i.e., his or her Belief. Learn more. Once demonstrated, a proposition or claim is ordinarily understood to be justified as true or authoritative. Derived from the Greek meta ta physika ("after the things of nature"); referring to an idea, doctrine, or posited reality outside of human sense perception. Many of those same authorities - each in their own manner - caution the seeker that the establishing of Belief should be a conscious and deliberate exercise; for example, the Bible warns the reader against using "vain repetitions" (refer to the Gospel according to Matthew, chapter 6, verse 7). faith thinking--The most important power of man is the original faith-thinking faculty. Did you realize the Bible is written in a secret code — and once you understand the code, you unlock a whole deeper meaning of every chapter and every verse. faith, prayer of--The act of mentally taking that which is desired. Faith definition is - allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty. See more. These New Thought Versions of the Books of the Holy Bible transforms the traditional content into a practical application to help you deal with the problems you are facing every day. Faith is a deep inner knowing that that which is sought is already ours for the taking. faith--The perceiving power of the mind linked with the power to shape substance. Faith is the kind of trust that you enter into with your whole being. People have faith in many different types of things, and their faith may or may not have any metaphysical meaning. faith definition: 1. great trust or confidence in something or someone: 2. a particular religion: 3. strong belief…. A close analysis shows that faith is the foundation of all that man does. Jesus said, "All things whatsoever ye pray and ask for, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them" (Mark 11:24). A diagram showing the relationship between the definitions of weak/strong and implicit/explicit atheism. Divine healing is due to the application of the same law that Jesus used. But I still feel it is something to be discussed. Yeah, I know. When faith is exercised deep in spiritual consciousness, it finds its abode; and under divine law, without variation or disappointment, it brings results that are seemingly miraculous. Explicit strong/positive/hard atheists (in purple on the right) assert that "at least one deity exists" is a false statement. Laying on of Hands. faith, center of--The pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain, is the center of faith in the body of man. The vacillating allegiance of Peter to Jesus illustrates the growth of faith in one who has not developed this faculty. This is the second of two part. Learn more. If necessary, other references shall be drawn upon to complete the realization, but it is the Author's desire to express things in as simple a manner as possible.Now, based upon one of its many definitions, "substance" constitutes that of which something is composed, or made. Faith is the means by which believers come to God and put their trust in Him for salvation. Faith and reason are both sources of authority upon which beliefs can rest. All Rights Reserved. According to one definition (found at, metaphysical means “concerned with abstract thought or subjects, as existence, causality, or truth” or “highly abstract, subtle or abstruse”. Jesus became the final and ultimate sacrifice for our sin when his last words proclaimed "It is finished". Because blind faith does not understand the principles of Being, it is liable to discouragement and disappointment. Often an intermediary is involved, whose intercession may be all-important in effecting the desired cure. "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do" (John 14:12). 9:29). For those who feel they have lost their faith, Moonstone is a great ally. Believers gain confidence from knowing that letting their light of faith shine in a dark world can bring about real change for the better in their lives. You can read the first part here. "Now faith is assurance of things hoped for" (Heb. Preceding Entry: faintheartedness metaphysical definition: 1. relating to the part of philosophy that is about understanding existence and knowledge: 2…. Some kind of algorithmic demonstrability is ordinarily presupposed. And if one turns to the Old Testament, it is also possible to find this principle stated therein (albeit in a different wording). It is based on knowledge of Truth. The movement renounces poverty and physical suffering as either necessary to a godly life or glorifying Jesus Christ. Notwithstanding the various definitions and descriptions that exist, this can best be taken as a clear-cut indication, that the significance of Faith had been recognized thousands of years ago, and its significance is still valid, even at the present day.As to what Faith is, there are literally hundreds (if not thousands) of definitions, so that it would do little good to attempt to list them all. As spiritual tools, pearls can are calming and centering, and can nurture our faith, loyalty, integrity, and purity. “Faith” breaks down the true meaning of developing trust with the Inner Voice, how Natasha has been channeling to avoid her Inner Voice, how to get the mind on board, and how sometimes a bumpy road to growth is the only way the mind will allow a breakthrough. Metaphysical meaning of faith (rw) To "understand" a subject means: to (mentally) grasp the idea which lies at the heart of that subject. As a rule, persons who merely trust the Lord do not understand divine law. We will examine the modern thinking, cutting edge metaphysics for … Those wise individuals, each in their respective manner, deduced and recorded that Thought, when imbued or combined with Feeling, constituted an agency which would set the process of Creation into operation - both from the standpoint of the Original Creative Power (call it Spirit, Universal Mind, GOD, or any other name), as well as from the standpoint of Man - who, from all observations to date, is the only terrestrial lifeform capable of wielding and utilizing the Creative Power of Thought.Dr. Expanding to the previous quotation (which will likely be expounded on further elsewhere), whatever thoughts or ideas we permit to reside in our minds (whether consciously or unconsciously), becomes our established beliefs.And here, this Author shall interject a very vital point, regarding any endeavour to establish Belief towards any particular subject. There must have been a deep spiritual meaning in the triumphal entry, since Jesus Himself planned it! "Belief" may be defined as: confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof. Spiritually, Moonstone opens the door to our spiritual gifts, particularly clairvoyance. Belief in God or in a set of religious doctrines. This is not faith thinking. All of us have the thinking faculty located in the head, from which we send forth good, bad, and indifferent thoughts. Intellectual man has faith in his art, in his science, or in his philosophy, which answers his purpose for the time being. This is proof that faith is closely related to the enduring, firm. Faith in God is the substance of existence. He does not take appearances into consideration; he is not biased by precedent. In most instances, He demanded faith on the part of those He healed; and with this faith as a point of mental and spiritual contact, He released the latent energy in the atomic structure of the ones in need of healing, and they were restored to life and health. Perhaps the most common version of the statement of this principle is the oft-quoted phrase: "As a man thinketh, so is he" - or, to be more accurate, one should refer to the complete version of that phrase:"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." Faith working in spiritual substance accomplishes all things. faith compared with trust--Trust is a weaker brand of faith, but better than mistrust. faith synonyms, faith pronunciation, faith translation, English dictionary definition of faith. Metaphysical meaning of healing (rw) Metaphysical meaning of healing (rw) healing--"Restoring to original purity or integrity " (Webster). faith of Jesus--Jesus did not claim an exclusive supernatural power, which we usually accredit to Him. It works by love. He called it the "kingdom of the heavens." "This question is so 90's". faith in oneself--The ground for man's faith in himself is the truth that he is a son of God and, as such, he inherits the divine nature. Faith thinking is not merely an intellectual process based on reasoning. It is also of interest to take note of this point, concerning the above passage from the Book of Romans. b. Similarly, to "hope for" a thing, is to exhibit the feeling of desire for that thing, together with some measure of confidence that it can be realized. - Proverbs, chapter 23, verse 7 {King James version} The significant portion of that phrase is "in his heart", which, as will be expounded upon further in another section, is not a reference to the organ which circulates blood throughout the body, but to that interior part of a person's mental constitution, known as the subconscious mind. Lemaitre‘s Cosmology and Stephen Gould’s NOMA NOMA stands for Non-Overlapping Magisteria, meaning that science and religion simply should not or do not overlap. Faith is built up through denial of all doubt and fear and continuous affirmations of loyalty to the divine idea, the higher self. faith, understanding--Faith that functions from Principle. Without stating any explicit examples, it is an established fact that, whatever we hear repeatedly, we inevitably come to believe (i.e., accept it as the truth), and we tend to hold onto that established belief, even if subsequently presented with evidence which challenges our belief. Thoughts of condemnation, enmity, and resistance must be released and divine love declared; then faith will work unhindered. May the Indwelling Christ Christize all your thoughts. He had explored the ether energy, which He called the "kingdom of the heavens"; His understanding was beyond that of the average man. If one goes a step further, one can even refer to one of the most widely-recognized definitions of Faith, irrespective of a person's religious or philosophical inclinations:"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. To know that certain causes produce certain results gives a bedrock foundation for faith. He encouraged His followers to take Him as a pattern for faith and to use the power of thought and word. The original religious notion of faith was "faith in God", meaning to trust God. Consequently, even though faith itself is an existential, rather than a metaphysical, matter, it necessarily implies certain claims about the ultimate reality of self, others, and the whole in its structure in itself as well as in its meaning for us; and the proper name for all such claims is precisely "metaphysical." The thinking faculty is supplied with the second-hand ideas of our ancestors, the dominant beliefs of the race, or the threadbare stock of the ordinary social swim. Honoring All Faith Traditions. "- Hebrews 11:1, The Bible (King James Version)This verse alone has been expressed in many varying forms, depending on the particular edition of the Bible from which it is taken, so that, no attempt will be made here to list all the various versions that exist. One must have faith in one's spiritual capacity and depend on it in the face of adverse appearances. Jesus spoke of a new condition for the upliftment of the race. Light is also a spiritual symbol of hope. It is the religious consciousness in which matter of human soul is in the prison camp of human body. Not surprisingly, this is also reflected from another quotation from the Bible - in this instance, out of the Old Testament: "Yea, with all thy getting, get Understanding. And according to your Belief, it is done unto you.". It is a wisdom that can only be obtained from the nature of God (Rab). Clicking on link will open a new browser window. His thinking gives form, without cavil or question, to ideas that come straight from the eternal fount of wisdom. Expressed another way, if a person's Belief is towards something deemed undesirable, then by the working of the Law of Belief, the conditions that inevitably show up in the person's life will correspond to that undesirable thing. Thus is it not simply the rules of logical inference or the embodied wisdom of a tradition or authority. If they had understanding, they would affirm the presence and power of God until the very substance of Spirit would appear in manifestation. In this sense of faith, the existence of … Somehow, religionists have focused instead on the locution "faith that", meaning believing that something is true, usually without evidence, or at least sufficient evidence. Instead, we shall, so-to-say, "walk-through" the particular version stated here, in order to come to a clearer understanding of the subject. Well I propose that to live faithfully is to let go of such conceptual Gods and exit faithfully, meaning letting go of all these things we think we know about God by “having faith” in Him. ________________________ In addition, and on the basis that the words Faith and Belief are interchangeable, that same phrase can be worded as "... according to your faith, etc. Faith, Harmony, and Meditations April 15, 2019 Admin By Tamara Faith, Harmony, and Meditations emphasizes the spiritual benefits to be achieved when you take an active role in directing your inner life. The first step in all spiritual healing is to believe, and the next step is openness and receptivity to the stream of healing life. See more. And it should also come as little or no surprise that most if not all of these sacred texts place a relatively high value on the importance of Faith.And that is certainly something worth contemplating. Its teachings are found on radio, the Internet, television, and in many Charismatic denominations and communities. And the converse is true, if the person's Belief is towards some desirable thing.As to any proof or evidence to support any claims that have ever been made regarding the existence and working of the Law Of Belief, it is relatively easy in this Information Age to find countless examples of its operation in the lives of others. Faith, Reason and Metaphysical Thinking: A Process Response to Fides et Ratio Metaphysics has been subjected to much criticism from various quarters, including philosophy. Following Entry: fall, African American Leaders in Unity to 1989, Steps to annotate the Fillmore Study Bible. ... * Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel of light." The hardened sceptic would call the meeting of sounds a coincidence, but the poet keeps Faith, now more spiritually articulate and at ease with himself. 11:1). Unless stated otherwise, all contents accessible via the external pages are copyright their respective holders: Chapter 2 ("FAITH") of THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill. ", yet conveying the same meaning. Simply put, Faith is a Feeling or Emotion - albeit one of many such that all persons experience at one time or another. Metaphysical meaning of faith (rw) faith--The perceiving power of the mind linked with the power to shape substance . n. 1. a. In many of the world’s religions, light signifies salvation from the darkness of sin. Faith is more than mere belief. Human faith religion starts from the premise of humanity which is more than a physical face and biological organism. It was a declaration of His Messiahship. ... A Metaphysical Interpretation . faith, intellectual--The faith that has its seat of action in the intellect only. If one goes a step further, one can even refer to one of the most widely-recognized definitions of Faith, irrespective of a person's religious or philosophical inclinations: His perception impinges on the spiritual, and he knows. A person lacking a Metaphysical framework is denied the chance to respond in this manner and would have to face the continued trials of counter-faith doubt. 2011 Metaphysical Revelations. Man should have faith in himself because he cannot be successful in any line without such faith. Simply put, Faith is a Feeling or Emotion - albeit one of many such that all persons experience at one time or another. "- excerpted from "As A Man Thinketh" (c. 1902). However, and as also mentioned elsewhere by this Author, the most satisfying proof for any inquirer is that which he or she discovers in his (or her) own experience, through introspection and self-analysis. God provides believers with the faith needed to believe in Him: “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8–9). This is the faith that co-operates with creative law. Anyone considering a private pilgrimage of sorts can take Moonstone with them for improved focus on spiritual matters versus the mundane. As an example of the correct methodology, Dr. Murphy often commented in his time that a person should know what they are doing and why they are doing it.That the establishment of faith or belief can occur either consciously or unconsciously, also indicates another important point - namely, that a person can either operate on the basis of what can be called "blind" faith (i.e., he or she accepts and proceeds to act upon a thought or idea unquestionably), or they can establish faith through understanding. Create change in situations that seem hopeless instinctive trust in a Yeah, I know any meaning... Faith was `` faith in God or in a power higher than ourselves or! Prayer or religious faith ; divine healing interest to take note of this point, concerning above. Trust the Lord do not understand the principles of being, it the..., integrity, and resistance must be built upon the foundation typified by (! Then faith will work unhindered inference or the embodied wisdom of a or... 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